更多國家用戶可在Android Market 購買 App

剛剛收到 Android Market 發來的電郵, 表示數星期後會有更多的國家用戶可以在Android Market 上購買程式. 但電郵中未有指明會是那些國家, 只表示在接著的數星期內會再有電郵通知.

雖然不知道這次會否包括香港台灣等地, 但這也是一個很好的消息. 畢竟Market Paid App 的限制, 使不少程式開發商郤步. 希望Google 持續開放Android Paid Market, 這樣才可更加強化Android軟件市場.

若稍後時間, 再收到其他Android Market的通知, 會第一時間再同大家報道!


We’re writing to inform you about some changes to Android Market that require your attention.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be adding paid apps support for additional countries. If you have selected to publish your paid apps to all locations and intend to support all new locations as we expand the number of supported countries for paid apps, you don’t have to do anything. If you have selected to publish your paid apps to all locations but intend to only target the currently supported 14 countries, please update your location selections to target these specific countries.

Please look for follow-up emails when we introduce paid apps support for specific additional countries in the coming weeks. At that time, you’ll have the option to target these specific countries.

Thanks, and we look forward to continue working with you on Android

The Android Market Team

Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Android Paid Market Countries
