CyanogenMod CM9 進度

CyanogenMod CM9 Ice Cream Sandwich

自從 Google 發佈了 Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 的 Source Code,大家就等待著一眾 Custom ROM 的開發,大戶 CyanogenMod 的 CM9 更是焦點所在。

CyanogenMod 亦在 Blog 上簡單匯報了 CM9 的進度。

CyanogenMod 表示最先獲得 CM9 的,好大機會是採用 OMAP4, MSM8660/7X30, 和 Exynos 晶片的裝置,而採用 Tegra 2 的平板(如:Galaxy Tab 10.1, Asus Transformer) 亦會是較先獲得 CM9 的。

The first devices (besides the Nexus S, which you can already get from Koush’s section on ROM Manager) that we’ll have ready will mostly likely be devices based on OMAP4, MSM8660/7X30, and Exynos. We also have some Tegra2 tablets in the pipeline such as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Asus Transformer.

不再支援 Droid 1
而 CyanogenMod 亦期望可以支援所有 CM7 的裝置,如採用 Qualcomm QSD8250 的 Nexus One。但 CyanogenMod 同時亦表示,將不再支援 Droid 1 (Milestone)。

Our goal is to provide continued support to all CM7 devices back to the QSD8250 series of devices such as the Nexus One. I don’t want to make any promises at this time, but that is the plan. And sorry Droid1 owners, we’re dropping support for you. Time to upgrade 🙂

Google 在新的 Android 4.0 Source Code 內作了很多大的改動,令到一些舊有的相機和圖像驅動程式未能兼容。不過,CyanogenMod 郤表示十分有信解決這些問題!

Google has made some pretty major changes to the Android framework that break compatibility with older proprietary camera and graphics drivers in order to achieve some pretty insane performance, but I am confident that the team will be able to overcome these issues like we have in the past.

至於推出日期,當然是沒有呢!這是一貫的 CyanogenMod 做法,沒有 ETA,大家要耐心等待。

資料來源:CyanogenMod Blog
