Xperia 用家可免費享用 50GB 雲端儲存

Sony Ericsson 50GB

Sony Ericsson 今日公佈跟 合作,所有 Xperia 手機用家只要利用 的 App 登入,就可以獲得 50GB 的免費雲端儲存空間。

Sony Ericsson today announced details of a new promotion that will give every Xperia™ owner 50GB of free file sharing and storage in partnership with Box®. By simply logging into their Box® account through the Box® for Android™ application in the Android™ Marketplace, Xperia™ owners globally will be able to enjoy free cloud storage and file sharing for life.

在十一月尾曾經傳出,Sony Ericsson Xperia 手機用家可以免費享用 的 50GB 雲端儲存。但一兩天後, 澄清有關計劃還未展開。而今天 Sony Ericsson 就作出了官方正式公佈,還發了新聞稿。

只要利用 Xperia 手機開啟 並登入 Box 帳戶,就可以免費享用 50GB 雲端儲存。優惠由今天開始,一直至到2012年12月31日,全球用戶皆適用!

The Box® promotion begins on 15 December 2011 through until December 31, 2012, and is available to all consumers worldwide who own any Xperia™ smartphone including and released after Xperia™ X10.

資料來源:Sony Ericsson Press
