[真相大白] Galaxy S III 著火 是來自外在因素

Galaxy S III 著火

之前,Galaxy S III 著火事件經過調查後,起火是由外在因素而起,手機跟起火完全無關。而該名用家 dillo2k10 亦在討論區表示,收回原先的言論。

在 6月21日,在一個愛爾蘭的討論區上,一名 Galaxy S III 用家 dillo2k10 聲稱他的 Galaxy S III 放在車架上突然著火,外殼更被燒掉。dillo2k10 還貼了多張燒毁的 Galaxy S III 相片。

事件引起廣泛流傳和討論,而 Samsung 亦委託了英國一個獨立機構 Fire Investigations UK (FIUK) 進行調查。經過一輪測試和檢查,得出結論是 “引起手機發熱是來自外在能源”,”手機並不是起火的原因”。

The investigation summary states that “The energy source responsible for generating the heat has been determined as external to the device” and “the device was not responsible for the cause of the fire.”


Additionally, the investigation results state, “The only way it was possible to produce damage similar to the damage recorded within the owner’s damaged device was to place the devices or component parts within a domestic microwave.”

而另一方面,燒毁手機的用家 dillo2k10 在該愛爾蘭討論區表示,要收回原先的指控。dillo2k10 表示,手機的損毁是由其他人做成,他們希望將沾水的手機修復,而最終導致手機損毁。他更表示手機是沒有任何問題的,他不可再作回應。

I would like to retract my original statement. The damage to the phone was caused by another person, although they were attempting to recover the phone from water this later caused the damage shown on the phone. It occurred due to a large amount of external energy and there was no fault with the phone. This was not a deliberate act but a stupid mistake.

I am unable to comment any further.

資料來源:Samsung Tomorrow, Boards.ie
