Android 每一個版本都是以甜品作代號,並會順著字母次序由 Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, IceCream Sandwich, 去到最新的 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean。下一版本甜品的首個字母就是 K,而一直傳言代號名字為 Key Lime Pie 檸檬批。
Android KitKat
不過Android 高層 Sundar Pichai 在 Google+ 貼文放出了新相片,居然出然了 Android KitKat!而文中更提及期待下一個版本推出,看來 Android KitKat 很大機會是新版本的名字。既然是高層說出,相信下一個版本應快將推出!
On my return from Asia, I was also thrilled to find this guy waiting to greet me on the front lawn — love the new #AndroidKitKat statue and can’t wait to release the next version of the platform that is as sweet as the candy bar that’s one of our team’s favorites:)
Source: +Sundar Pichai