HTC One 後繼機, 最快在明年 2月推出


HTC One 是 HTC 今年的旗艦機,一直盛傳 HTC 會在明年推出代號 M8 的下一代HTC One,而最新的消息是 HTC One 後繼機將會最快在明年 2 月推出。

在英國 Nokia 跟 HTC 一宗侵權案件中,Nokia 代表提出証據表示 HTC 會在明年第一季,最早可能是二月為旗艦機 HTC One 推出後繼機,而代表 HTC 一方的律師未有提出反証,法官因而確認 Nokia 所提出的資料為正確。

HTC is close to launching the successor flagship model to the HTC One. HTC has not revealed the launch date. Nokia has adduced evidence which suggests that the launch date is in the first quarter of 2014 and possibly as early as February 2014. HTC has not contradicted this. HTC’s evidence is that the new phone will not contain any chips which have been found to infringe the Patent.

這單官司是涉及 HTC 侵犯 Nokia 專利,Nokia 要求法庭對某幾個型號的 HTC 手機發出禁售令。

這些專利官司不理會呢,從用家角度看 HTC One 後繼機就會在明年第一季推出,最快是 2月呢。

Source: BBC, Bailii (45)
