《Timely – 煥彩鬧鐘》團隊加入 Google, In-App Purchase 轉免費

《Timely – 煥彩鬧鐘》是其中一個最受歡迎的鬧鐘 App,在介面上有色彩豐富非常炫麗的主題選擇,功能上亦十分齊全,有齊鬧鐘, 時鐘, 計時器和碼錶,而同步功能更可將鬧鐘設定同步至其他裝置更是超級方便。之前 Google Play Store 已多次上作點名推介呢!

Timely AlarmTimely Alarm

《Timely – 煥彩鬧鐘》背後的開發團隊 Bitspin 在官網公佈,他們已經加入了 Google,但就未有透露是團隊成員加入 Google 公司,還是 Google 作出收購。

We’re thrilled to announce that Bitspin is joining Google, where we’ll continue to do what we love: building great products that are delightful to use.

For new and existing users, Timely will continue to work as it always has. Thanks to everyone who has downloaded our app and provided feedback along the way; we truly appreciate all your support.

– The Bitspin Team

In-App Purchase 轉免費
對於用家來說,《Timely – 煥彩鬧鐘》App 依舊可以從 Play Store 下載,更重要是原先 App 的 In-App Purchase 限制 Premium 功能,現在已經變成免費了。
