HTC 高層: Galaxy S5 就像一塊平價塑膠

HTC Jason Mackenzie


Galaxy S5 只是平價塑膠製造
HTC 美國總裁 Jason Mackenzie 接受 Business Insider 訪問時,被問及對手 Samsung Galaxy S5 手機時,就回應指 “若你想購買一個以平價塑膠製成的產品,S5 就是一個選擇”。

If you want to buy a product built out of cheap plastic, there’s a solution for you

Jason Mackenzie 指 HTC 公司致力開發精心設計的手機,適合客戶使用,讓客戶引以為傲。而 Samsung 只注重投資料在市場推廣,花大量金錢作產品宣傳。

Samsung is a company that’s focused on investing in advertising.

I think they play to their strength: they say, ‘we have a lot of cash, let’s go out and paint the world blue,’

Source: BusinessInsider
