Google Glass 美國 15/4 單日開售一天

Google Glass Open for US 15/4

之前 Google Glass 已有不同的計劃讓大眾參與 Google Glass Explorer 計劃,現在 Google Glass 計劃又有新消息。

Google 公佈將會在 4月15日在美國發售 Google Glass (US$1500 + 稅),發售數量有限。

Next Tuesday, April 15th at 6am PDT, we’re opening up some spots in the Glass Explorer Program. Any adult in the US* can become an Explorer by visiting our site and purchasing Glass for $1500 + tax – and it now comes with your favorite shade or frame, thanks to feedback from our current Explorers. The number of spots available is limited, so mark your calendar if you want to get in. You can find us on Tuesday at:

至於美國以外,就是無份呢。各位若果身處美國,又或有美國朋友想購買,記住 11/4 6PM PDT 開賣,數量有限的。 (Google+ 寫是 6AM PDT,但 Sign Up Page 寫 9AM PDT?!)。

To everyone outside the US… we know. Sorry 🙁 We’re just not ready yet to bring Glass to other countries.

Source: +GoogleGlass
