HTC M8 Prime 5.5吋, Snapdragon 805, 防水, …


又有新傳言了,是 HTC One M8 Prime,就是比 HTC One M8 更高規格的型號。

根據 evleaks 貼出的資料,M8 Prime 會採用 Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 2.5GHz 四核芯處理器, 5.5吋 WQHD 屏幕, 3GB RAM, 支採 Cat 6 LTE, 機身會以鋁和矽製造,並具有防水功能。

Coolest feature of M8 Prime? It’s made out of an exotic material, a composite of aluminum and liquid silicone.

M8 Prime is addicted to speed: first HTC handset with a planned Cat. 6 LTE radio.

As expected, the Prime in M8 Prime refers to the components: Snapdragon 810805 (4 x 2.5GHz), 5.5″ WQHD, 3GB RAM.

Source: @evleaks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
