歐盟委員會早前發表報告,關於改善網上遊戲消費者保障。當中,Google 同意停止使用 “Free” 字眼去標記附有 In-App Purchase 的 Android 遊戲。
These include not using the word “free” at all when games contain in-app purchases, developing targeted guidelines for its app developers to prevent direct exhortation to children as defined under EU law and time-framed measures to help monitor apparent breaches of EU consumer laws. It has also adapted its default settings, so that payments are authorized prior to every in-app purchase, unless the consumer actively chooses to modify these settings.
Google 亦會為 App Developers 提供相關指引以符合歐洲的規定,另外亦會修定 Play Store 內的付款預設設定。用家在每次 In-App Purchase 之前需要作授權,除非用家主動修改設定。
Google 將會在 9月尾前完成有關的改動。暫未清楚這個改動是否只在歐洲地區推行,還是在其他地區亦有相應改動。
Source: European Commission