LG G Watch 更新, 解決接觸點銹蝕問題

LG G Watch Corrosion

早前,在外國有一些 LG G Watch 手表用家表示,手表底部的五個金屬接觸點出現銹蝕變色情況。

LG 代表回應指出,由於這些接觸點本身是有電流的,當用家帶著手表時,皮膚就有機會將兩個接觸點接通,而化學作用亦因此形式,導致接觸點出現銹蝕情況。LG 表示這些銹蝕不會影響充電,手表亦是安全的。

而 LG 亦為 G Watch 推出更新,解決這銹蝕問題。安裝更新後,手表在不充電時就不會有電流流過接觸點,這可避免化學反應出現。

“Recently it has come to our attention that a small number of G Watch devices have been reported to have developed discoloration and residue buildup on the terminal pins located on the back. While completely safe and unlikely to affect charging, LG will be rolling out a maintenance release over the next few days that will disable the current when the G Watch is not in the charging dock. The maintenance release will be rolled out automatically over-the-air to all G Watch owners. We thank G Watch users for their patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”-LG

