Google 推出 “Inbox by Gmail” App, 但需邀請才可使用

Google 為旗下 Gmail 推出一個新 App,名為 “Inbox by Gmail”,是一個全新形式去管理 Gmail Inbox,不過暫時只限有邀請人仕才可使用。

Inbox by gmail

Inbox by Gmail 管理形式有點像 To-do List,App 會依據郵件內容和用家自訂的規則,將郵件歸類 Bundles。例如購物收據, 又或銀行月結單都會各自歸類,而用家亦可選擇不理會甚至消除這些郵件歸類。

Inbox expands upon the categories we introduced in Gmail last year, making it easy to deal with similar types of mail all at once.

App 亦會 Highlight 標記一些重要資訊,例如活動資料, 航班資料等,並會從網上找來相關的資訊顯示。

Inbox highlights the key information from important messages, such as flight itineraries, event information, and photos and documents emailed to you by friends and family.

還會有 Assists 功能,協助處理那些 To-do 工作。例如你訂枱食飯,就會自動加入地圖。

Inbox helps you cross those off your list by providing Assists—handy pieces of information you may need to get the job done.

Inbox by gmail

Inbox by Gmail 暫時只限獲邀請人仕才可使用,若想獲得邀請,可以發送電郵去 [email protected]

Inbox by gmailInbox by gmail

Source: Gmail Blog
