Google Chrome 團隊透露,將會改進 Chrome Browser,並採用 Microsoft API,瀏覽捲動時會更加流暢。
現時 Chrome 瀏覽器在處理 Touch 和 Mouse Events 時會分開處理,Touch events listener 會阻擋瀏覽捲動。但採用 Microsoft Pointer Events API 就會單一共同處理 Touch 和 Mouse Events,這樣的處理方式會使操作捲動會更加流暢。其實在 Mozilla, IE 以至 Opera 都已採用 Microsoft Pointer Events API的,Chrome 也要跟隨大勢呢。
這個改動應會使 Chrome Browser 操作更加之流暢。Chrome 團隊會很快將 Microsoft Pointer Events API 整合,但就未有一個確實的時間表。
Pointer Events offers some technical advantages over the existing use of Touch Events and Mouse Events. Most notably, pointer event listeners never block scrolling, and so replacing all touch event handlers with pointer event handlers will address the main longstanding source of scroll-start jank we see on Android (irrespective of whatever scheduler improvements we’re able to make to better prioritize input handling).
Source: Google Groups