Gameloft Modern Combat 5 遊戲將會轉為免費

Gameloft Modern Combat 5 Free

Gameloft 旗下遊戲 Modern Combat 5 現在售價為 HK$28,但 Gameloft 已公佈遊戲將會轉為免費,iOS 版本已經轉了,Android 版本亦會在新一輪更新後,就會轉為免費。

This update makes Modern Combat 5 available for free to millions of new players, and adds controller support, more weapons, a new class and more.

All of our current players are getting Veteran status, with unlimited energy, and some other goodies as a thank you for their support.

新一輪更新亦會有一些改動,例如 Controler 支援,加入更多類型武器,亦有新的 Soldier Class。而現有已購買的玩家就會獲得一些道具補助,如 Unlimited Energy。

Gameloft Modern Combat 5 Free

當然,將遊戲轉為免費,就是朝著 In-App Purchase 的方向發展。賣 Game 是單一次收入,而 In-App Purchase 就是較長期較持續。

Source: Gameloft
