Google: 整合 Chrome OS 和 Android, 但不會淘汰 Chrome OS

Chrome OS Android

早前,有消息傳出 Google 考慮將 Chrome OS 跟 Android 整合,並會在最快 2017年將 Chrome OS 合併至 Android 內。但 Google 最新回應指,他們會將兩個系統的優點整合,未有計劃淘汰 Chrome OS。

Over the last few days, there’s been some confusion about the future of Chrome OS and Chromebooks based on speculation that Chrome OS will be folded into Android. While we’ve been working on ways to bring together the best of both operating systems, there’s no plan to phase out Chrome OS.

Google 指,在美國學校每天有 30,000 部新 Chromebooks 啟動,全球超過 150 個國家的 200萬名教師和學生使用 “Share to Classroom” Chrome extension;另外還有不少公司如 Netflix 採用。

Google 計劃在 Chrome OS 加入更多功能,例如媒體播放器。Google 亦表示在 2016年會有多部新 Chromebooks 推出。

We have plans to release even more features for Chrome OS, such as a new media player, a visual refresh based on Material Design, improved performance, … stay on the lookout for dozens of new Chromebooks in 2016.

Source: Chrome Blog
