BlackBerry 停止自行生產手機

BlackBerry ends hardware developement

BlackBerry 曾是商業用家的首選電話,但隨著智能手機普及,BlackBerry 在市場上的佔有率就不斷萎縮,有估計指黑莓在市場率只有 0.1%。雖然 BlackBerry 也推出了運行 Android 的手機 (BlackBerry Priv),但情況仍未見好轉。BlackBerry 公佈第二季度的財務表現,虧蝕3.72億美元,亦宣佈停止生產手機。

Our new Mobility Solutions strategy is showing signs of momentum, including our first major device software licensing agreement with a telecom joint venture in Indonesia. Under this strategy, we are focusing on software development, including security and applications. The company plans to end all internal hardware development and will outsource that function to partners. This allows us to reduce capital requirements and enhance return on invested capital

BlackBerry CEO 程守宗上任三年來,都著力在重組虧損嚴重的設備生產業務,但最終仍要宣佈停止自行生產手機設備,BlackBerry 會專注於軟件業務,並會跟一間印尼企業合作,組成合營公司,負責生產和分銷設備。

BlackBerry 之前已不再開發自家的操作系統,改為投入 Android 陣營,並在 Android 系統之上加入過往 BlackBerry 的重點功能,如數據保安,所以 BlackBerry 往後專注於軟件業務也是有跡可尋。

Source: BlackBerry
