Google 延遲推出 Android Wear 2.0 至 2017年

Android Wear 2.0 Preview

Google 在五月時的 Google I/O 大會上公佈了 Android Wear 2.0,隨後亦推出了 Developer Preview 版本。但 Google 最新就表示會延續 Developer Preview 至 2017年年初,意味正式版本也要待至 2017年才推出。

We’ve decided to continue the preview program into early 2017, at which point the first watches will receive Android Wear 2.0.

Google 剛推出了 Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 3,並同時透露從 Developer 社群得到的迴響,決定將 Developer Preview 延續,在往後還會推出多一個 Developer Preview 版本,之後才會將 Android Wear 2.0 平台轉交給 OEM 廠商應用。

Android Wear Play Store
至於最新 Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 3,就加入了 Google Play on Android Wear,用家可以透過手表直接瀏覽找尋 Apps 安裝,而且用家可以只安裝 Watch App 在手表上,不用同時安裝在手機上。

third developer preview of Android Wear 2.0 with a big new addition: Google Play on Android Wear. The Play Store app makes it easy for users to find and install apps directly on the watch

If users want an app on their watch but not on their phone, they can install only the watch app. In fact, in Android Wear 2.0, phone apps are no longer necessary. You can now build and publish watch-only apps for users to discover on Google Play.

Play Store Android Wear

Source: Android Developers Blog
