早前在 Apple iPhone 7 發佈會上,公佈將可在 Apple Watch 玩 Pokemon GO 遊戲。那麼 Android Wear 手表呢?
Niantics CEO, John Hake 在美國三藩市接受訪問,表示會檢視不同計劃讓遊戲可支援。當被進一步問到,會否將 Pokemon GO 引進至 Android Wear 裝置,John Hanke 就表示 “很大可能” (I think it’s pretty likely)。
As other devices come on the market – if those are Android Wear devices or if they are devices from other quadrants that are interesting for gameplay and mobility, and being active – we’ll look into supporting those, too
不過,就未有透露更詳盡的資料。至於 Pokemon GO 遊戲,Tradind 交易系統以及個人形式對戰則仍在計劃中。
Battling is something we talk a lot about. It’s probably something that will make its way onto our roadmap.
Source: Techcrunch