Samsung 宣佈全球停售 Note 7, 並呼籲關機停用

Note 7 停售

韓國 Samsung 宣佈全球停售 Galaxy Note 7,並呼籲用戶關機停用該款手機。

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 推出後,接連發生多宗起火事故,Samsung 表示涉及問題電池,並在多國推出回收計劃,替換全新 “安全” 的 Note 7。但新版本 “安全” Note 7 推出後,亦多次傳出同類的起火事故,包括其中一宗發生在美國航班上乘客需要作緊急疏散,事件再引起消費者安全機構的高度關注。

韓國三星發出聲明表示,向全球所有合作伙伴發出通知,暫時停止出售Note 7 手機,停止原先更換 Note 7 新機的安排,並呼籲所有Note 7用戶關機停用。

Consumers with an original Galaxy Note7 or replacement Galaxy Note7 should power down and take advantage of the remedies available, including a refund at their place of purchase.

Samsung 指正在跟美國消費者產品安全委員會合作,就近期多宗涉及 Note 7 事故進行調查。至於香港 Samsung 方面還未出任何新聞稿,香港會有甚麼安排仍未清楚,但各位使用 Note 7 的讀者應立即將 Note 7 關機並停用以策安全。

下面是 Samsung 的公告全文。

We are working with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to investigate the recently reported cases involving the Galaxy Note7. Because consumers’ safety remains our top priority, Samsung will ask all carrier and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7 while the investigation is taking place.

We remain committed to working diligently with the CPSC, carriers and our retail partners to take all necessary steps to resolve the situation. Consumers with an original Galaxy Note7 or replacement Galaxy Note7 should power down and take advantage of the remedies available, including a refund at their place of purchase. For more information, consumers should visit or contact 1-844-365-6197.

Source: Samsung
