Google Pixel 電話相機效能 Review by DxoMark

DxOMark Pixel Phone Review

在 Google 發佈會上,提到 Pixel 電話的相機獲得 DxOMark Mobile 89分的評分,是眾多智能手機中最高的評分,勝過 iPhone 7。DxOMark 方面亦貼出了 Pixel 電話的相機詳盡 Review。

With an overall DxOMark Mobile score of 89, pixel, the latest Google smartphone, is the highest-rated smartphone camera we have ever tested. Its image quality scores are impressive across the board, but it is particularly strong in providing a very high level of detail from its 12.3MP camera, with relatively low levels of noise for every tested lighting condition. It also provides accurate exposures with very good contrast and white balance, as well as fast autofocus.

Review 提到 Pixel 的相機成像質素很高,在不同的光線測試環境下,都只有很小的雜嘈,就算在室內又或低光環境下,影像細緻都得到保留,而且相機有很準確的曝光, 對比度和白平衡。有強項也有弱項。Review 中亦列出了 Cons,例如 自動對焦會出現輕微的不規則情況, 在低光下陰影部份不夠細緻等。

DxOMark Pixel Phone Review

Review 就相機的拍攝和攝錄在不同範疇進行評分,Pixel 在各方面都是 八十幾分, 九十幾分,總計而言 Photo 總分為 89分,Video 總分為 88分。89分是所有 Smartphone 中最高,HTC 10, S7 Edge , Xperia X Performance 是 88分,iPhone 7 是 86分。

DxOMark Pixel Phone Score

有興趣看詳細的 Review 可以到下面 DxOMark 連結查看。
