BlackBerry 可能會有平板推出,他們的 CEO 表示有一間廠商向他們表示有興趣推出 BlackBerry 平板。
BlackBerry CEO 程守宗在季度財務發佈會後,向分析員透露了 BlackBerry 平板的消息。他表示 現有其中一個授權生產 BlackBerry 電話的 Partner,向他們提出希望推出 BlackBerry 平板。
程守宗表示樂見其成,因為可以從每部售出的 BlackBerry 平板收取一定費用。不過他表示,雖然是授權商生產但平板會運行 BlackBerry 軟件, 公司會提供合適的軟件,亦需要有其他不同方面配合,以確保授權商所生產的平板符合質素要求以及 BlackBerry 的品牌。
One of our partners are (sic) very excited to build a tablet based on Android, and so they wanted us to give them the portfolio rights to do that. I’m interested to do that because I’m going to get royalties for every tablet they ship. I will just leave it at that, and it’s not even that, we have to curate it, we have to do a lot of things on with it, so it’s not a 100% committed thing but it’s gonna come from our partners and BlackBerry will only receive royalty but it’s using our software and we do the QA and portfolio management, so I hope that clarifies that point.