OnePlus 5T 配備有 Face Unlock,可以讓用家透過前置相機進行臉容解鎖。早前 OnePlus 亦表示 Face Unlock 亦會在 OnePlus 5 手機推出。那麼 OnePlus 3/3T 呢?
OnePlus 創辦人 Carl Pei 就向 OnePlus 3/3T 用家發問,想不想要 Face Unlcok 功能?
You all inspired us to bring Face Unlock to the OnePlus 5. When you share your thoughts and feedback, you impact how we build and maintain our devices. In the spirit of building together, we’d also like to ask our OnePlus 3 and 3T users: Do you want Face Unlock too?
這樣提問也就表示 OnePlus 3/3T 也會有 Face Unlock 功能呢,難度用家不想有新功能?在 OnePlus Forum 上亦有 Face Unlock Voting,已有多達 90頁的討論呢。
Source: OnePlus