Pokemon GO 神獸 Groudon 出沒注意

Pokemon GO Groudon

Pokemon GO 再有限定神獸出沒,繼之前的 Ho-Oh 鳳王出現之後,由即是起至 2018年 1月15日就會有 Groudon 固拉多出沒。

Groudon 固拉多 CP 達 50,000 以上,玩家要在團體戰中勝出才可以補捉。各位玩家可以趁聖誕和新年假期出動,參與團體戰補捉固拉多。

Groudon, the Ground-type Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region, is now appearing in Raid Battles around the world! Keep an eye out for Groudon at Gyms near you, and you may be one of the first to catch this Legendary Pokémon. But don’t delay—Groudon will only be available until 1:00 p.m. PST on January 15, 2018.

Source: Niantic Labs
