OnePlus 7 Pro 自推出以來都有一些問題,要數最多人投訴必然是屏幕和相機兩部份,現在 OnePlus 就推出了更新,主力修正這兩方面的問題。
有一些 OnePlus 7 Pro 用家表示,屏幕觸控會有問題,會有延誤或如 double touch 情況,還有 Double tap to wake 亦有問題。至於相機,有用家指 HDR 相片會有較多 Noise,部份相片會偏綠等。今次最新推出的 OxygenOS 9.5.7.GM21BA,就修正了這些問題。相機方面亦改善了色彩, 對比度, 白平衡等,還有改善了自動對焦的準確度和穩定性。
– Camera
Improved overall contrast and color performance
Improved white balance consistency of triple camera
Improved accuracy and stability of auto focusing
Fixed issue of greenish tone in some low light scenes
Fixed issue of noise in some HDR scenes
Improved contrast and color saturation of ultra wide
Improved clarity and noise reduction in low light scene of ultra wide
Improved clarity and noise reduction of telephoto
Improved clarity and color of Nightscape
Improved brightness and clarity in extreme low light scene of Nightscape
Check HERE to learn more about the camera improvements– System
Optimized Double Tap to Wake
Fixed issues with Ambient Display
Improved the audio quality for voice calls from third-party apps
Improved touch sensitivity for screen
一如以往,更新是分階段推送 OTA,所以可能要等待數天才會收到 OTA 更新通知。
Source: OnePlus Forum