Google Docs, Sheets, Slides 將會加設 Dark Mode

Android 系統由 Android 10 開始就有 System-wise Dark Mode,不過 Apps 還是逐個逐個改進,Google 旗下的 Apps 亦陸續加設 Dark Mode,稍後三個辦公應用 Apps Google Docs, Sheets 和 Slides 亦會有 Dark Mode。

根據 9to5Google 拆解新新版本的 APK 檔案,發現內裏有新增數個關於 Dark Mode 字串,這些新增字串都是介紹 Dark Mode 的,例如 Welcome to,似乎 Dark Mode 已經差不多完成準備推出。其實在之前版本的 APK 檔案內,亦已加添了一些相關的 Dark Assets 資源檔案。

<string name=”dark_doclist_promo_title”>Notice anything different?</string>
<string name=”dark_doclist_promo_desc”>Welcome to %1$s in dark mode. Easier on the eyes at night. Easier on the battery during the day. %2$s</string>
<string name=”dark_doclist_promo_switch_back_instructions”>To switch back to light mode, go to %1$s%2$s > %3$s > %4$s%5$s.</string>
<string name=”dark_canvas_promo_title”>Your %1$s is in dark mode</string>
<string name=”dark_canvas_promo_desc”>The dark mode canvas automatically adjusts your content to fit the dark theme. If you ever want to preview your %1$s in the light theme, go to the%2$s%3$smenu > %4$s%5$s. %6$s</string>
<string name=”dark_canvas_promo_always_light_instructions”>To always use light mode, go to %1$sthe %2$s home screen > %3$s > %4$s > %5$s%6$s.</string>

另外,Twitter Alessandro Paluzzi @alex193a 亦貼出了數張 Google Docs Dark Mode 截圖。可以看到深灰色背景襯白色文字,用家亦可以自行開關 Dark Mode 又或跟隨系統設定。

Google Docs Dark ModeGoogle Docs Dark ModeGoogle Docs Dark Mode

Source: 9to5Google, @alex193a
