Galaxy Watch4 終於有 Google Assistant

Galaxy Watch4

Samsung Galaxy Watch4 系列是首款採用 Wear OS 3 系統的智能手表,但自推出以來一直都欠缺了 Google Assistant 功能。終於經過近半年時間,Google 跟 Samsung 共同宣佈會為 Galaxy Watch4 推出 Google Assistant。

Starting today, Galaxy Watch4 users will also be able to download Google Assistant on their devices gaining access to fast, more natural voice interactions, quick answers to questions and on-the-go help. With access to both Bixby and Google Assistant, consumers will have access to more advanced voice assistant functionality right from their wrists.

根據公佈,Galaxy Watch4 將會在今天起於指定市場開始更新支援 Google Assistant,包括澳洲, 加拿大, 法國, 德國, 愛爾蘭, 日本, 台灣, 韓國, 英國和美國。用家可以從 Play Store 下載安裝 Google Assistant 使用,可以用來設定鬧鐘提示, 搜尋查詢, 查問天氣, 控制家居智能裝置等不同操作。