Google Pixel Watch 推出2月份更新

Google 最近為旗下首款智能手表 Pixel Watch 推出了2月份更新,今次更新就是包含了最新的安全修正。Google 表示所有運行 Wear OS 3.5 的 Pixel Watch 智能手表將會陸續收到 OTA 更新通知,更新將會按網絡商和裝置,至下星期分階段推送。

Google Pixel Watch: <RWD9.220429.075>
Google Pixel Watch (JP/TW): <RWD9.220429.075.J1>

We have provided the monthly software update for February 2023. All supported Pixel Watch devices running Wear OS 3.5 will receive these software updates starting today. The rollout will continue over the next week in phases depending on carrier and device.

Source: Google