Google 已經推出 Android 15 Beta 3 版本

Android 15 Beta 3 (版本號 AP31.240517.022) 已達到「平台穩定性」Platform Stability 階段,表示其 API 以至對應應用程式界面已經確定。應用程式開發商應開始進行最終兼容性測試,以確保他們的應用程式好迎接 Android 15 正式發布。而根據 Timeline,Android 15 預計會在 8月或之後就會正式推出。

Android 15 Timeline

這個新的 Android 15 Beta 3 測試版包含了一些新功能和改變,並修復了之前版本中的一些問題。

根據Google的發布說明,這個測試版包括了一些新功能和改變,如與憑證管理器整合的自動填寫功能、生物識別提示的一鍵註冊和登入,以及在 Android WebView 中不再支援WebSQL。此外,它還修復了之前測試版中發現的問題,如 Bluetooth LE 掃描和連接問題、Android 模擬器和系統共享選單。

Android 15 Passkeys Single Step

Developer-reported issues
Fixed an issue where disabling polling using the setDiscoveryTechnology method didn’t disable polling. (Issue #341196917
Fixed an issue that prevented the system sharesheet from loading in some cases. (Issue #340936670)
Fixed an issue that caused the system Settings app to crash when accessing screen saver options. (Issue #340917853)
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the screen unlock icon to be displayed when notifications were on screen. (Issue #340923963)
Fixed an issue that prevented mobile network security settings from being changed. (Issue #335438231)

Other resolved issues
Fixed an issue with the Android Emulator that caused Simpleperf to crash when running a CPU profile.

Bluetooth resolved issues
Resolved an issue where Bluetooth LE scans could persist in the system after an app crash.
Fixed a bug in Bluetooth LE legacy advertising, where AdvertisingSet.setScanResponseData did not return ADVERTISE_FAILED_DATA_TOO_LARGE when scan response data exceeded the 31-byte limit.
Fixed a bug that caused LE connection failures on the GATT server by passing the address type from BluetoothGattServer.connect to native.

Android 15 Beta 3 可在 Pixel 8a、Pixel 8、Pixel 8 Pro、Pixel 7a、Pixel 7 Pro、Pixel 7、Pixel 6a、Pixel 6 Pro、Pixel 6、Pixel Fold和Pixel Tablet 上應用,已參與 Android Beta Program 的用戶將自動收到 OTA 更新通知。

雖然這個 Android 15 Beta 3 已踏入 Platform Stability 階段,但要留意 Apps 應用程式可能還未支援,尤其是一些銀行 Apps,往往會限制只可用於現有公開正式版本,未正式推出的版本或未支援,想率先試用 Android 15 版本要留意。