Google 延長 Pixel 6系列、Pixel 7系列以及 Pixel Fold 系統更新

Pixel 7

除了 Pixel Features Drop 外,Google 今日還為 Pixel 裝置帶來另一個好消息,延長了 Pixel 6 和 7 系列以及 Pixel Fold 的更新期。

Pixel 6 系列、Pixel 7 系列和 Pixel Fold 都可獲得 5年的系統和安全更新,日期由於美國 Google Store 上架日開始計算。這些裝置在推出時,Google 原先就只承諾有 三年的系統更新,現在就額外多了兩年。

These phones, including Pixel Fold, will get updates for 5 years starting from when the device first became available on the Google Store in the US.

This includes 5 years of OS and security updates, and may also include new and upgraded features with Pixel Drops.

These phones are:
– Pixel Fold
– Pixel 7a
– Pixel 7 Pro
– Pixel 7
– Pixel 6 Pro
– Pixel 6
– Pixel 6a

Source: Google