Android 16 Beta 版本推出時間有資料

Android 16

Android 16 會在今年第二季正式推出,時間會較過往不同,會提前至年中藉以配合廠商推出新機的週期。

Google 在11月時已為 Android 16 推出了 Developer Preview 版本,而公眾可參與的 Beta 版本估計很快就會推出。

在 Android Gerrit 上,就有 Google 員工於 Comment 中透露了一些 Android 16 Beta 的日子,他提到 1月22日為 Beta 2 改動提交的最後 due date,而 2月19日為 Beta 3 改動提交的最後 due date,當中更明確提到 Android 16 Beta 3 會於 3 月12日推出。

Ideally yes, this should be a standard feature flag and go over the same soak time. However, we may want to have this flag enabled asap in a Beta to get early validations. Beta 2 is going to be challenging considering that changes are due for Jan 22 which won’t give us enough time to do QA on it except if we make it part of this week prebuilt. Beta 3 changes due are Feb 19, but Beta 3 will only be released on March 12, almost at the same time of our bug fix cutoff. If these changes are fully ready / validated on our side and can be merged today, we can try including in Beta 2 (and in this case we should keep it under a bugfix flag). If we need more time, then Beta 3 is the only option and I would recommend switching to a standard flag.

從兩個 due date 日子去推算估計,Beta 2 好有機會在 2月中旬推出,那麼第一個 Beta 版本應該不會太遙遠,很快就推出呢。

Android 16 將提前至明年第二季推出