Google Goggles 更新, 不用啟動搜尋記錄

Google Goggles 推出了更新,作了一些改進。

之前,使用相機搜尋功能 (Search from camera) 時,需要先啟動使用搜尋記錄才可應用。現在不需啟動搜尋記錄,亦可使用 Search from camera。

Google Goggles 更新Google Goggles 更新

另外,較特別的改動是掃描 QR Code。若果掃描的 QR Code 是一個網址,搜尋的結果會顯示該網頁的縮略圖,就像右圖內右下角的縮略圖般。而連續拍攝模式,亦改進變得更快速更有效。

Search-from-camera no longer requires search history to be enabled.
Faster, more robust object tracking in “continuous” mode
When scanning a QR code that has a URL encoded:
– The thumbnail of a page is shown
– URL is checked against a malicious URL blacklist
– More complete barcode coverage
Support for non-autofocus cameras
When Goggles fails to find an exact match – search for products that look similar.
