Android 15 QPR2 預計會在三月正式推出,而現在仍是 Beta 階段。Google 今早就為 Android 15 QPR2 推出 Beta 2 版本,Pixel 6/Pro, 6a, 7/Pro, 7a, 8/Pro, 8a, 9/Pro/Pro XL/Pro Fold 以及 Pixel Tablet, Pixel Fold 都可適用。
今次 Beta 2 修正了多項問題,另外亦有一些新改進,包括:Shar Wifi 時的 QR Code 會用上 Material You 風格、Pixel Launcher 搜尋欄有新動畫效果、Themed Icons、Notification cooldown 功能可在短時間內接收大量通知時降低通知音量等。
下面是 Beta 2 修正的問題
Resolved developer- and user-reported issues
– Fixed an issue that prevented the “ANGLE preferences” option from being accessed in developer options.
– Fixed an issue that prevented some glucose sensor devices from connecting.
– Fixed issues that caused a long delay while selecting options to place a call.
– Fixed an issue that prevented the “Limit to 80%” option in charging optimization settings from being enabled.
– Fixed null pointer issues that could cause devices to unexpectedly crash or restart.
– Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Pixel Fold devices to stop responding while unfolded.Bluetooth resolved issues
– Fixed a bug of inconsistent behavior during switch from ASHA to LE Audio and back, ensuring the audio always pauses when switching.
– Fixed a bug that causes L2CAP connection failure with error reason code 3 after a phone reboot due to incorrect security level saving during pairing, leading to a security check failure on Bluetooth reset.
– Fixed a bug that allowed LE links to remain unencrypted on reconnection with bonded devices, potentially exposing sensitive data to attackers.
– Fixing a bug of Bluetooth HAL crashes or gets stuck when Bluetooth LE audio hardware offload is disabled.
Pixel 用家若想參與試用的話,可以到 Android Beta Program 為裝置登記參與。