Android 在美国市场进一步抛开对手

comScore US Smartphones Market

根据 comScore 最新发布的调查,2011年5月数字显示,Google 在美国市场仍然是稳占智能手机市场第一位,占 38%。而 Apple 排第二,占26.6%;RIM 则排第三位,占 24.7%。

Android 继续强势
相对 2011年2月,Google 和 Apple 的差距进一步拉开。在 2月的数字 Google 带先 Apple 约 8%,而最新 5 月的数字,两者差距已拉阔至接近 12%。

76.8 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones during the three months ending in May 2011, up 11 percent from the preceding three month period. Google Android ranked as the top operating system with 38.1 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers, up 5.1 percentage points. Apple strengthened its #2 position with 26.6 percent of the smartphone market, up 1.4 percentage points. RIM ranked third with 24.7 percent share, followed by Microsoft (5.8 percent) and Palm (2.4 percent).

