HTC Unlock Bootloader 最新消息

HTC Unlock Bootloader

HTC 早前表示将会为 Sensation 及 Evo 3D 解 Bootloader,HTC 在 Facebook 上公布了解 Bootloader 的新消息。

今个月较后时间 HTC Sensation 会有一个更新,是为解锁作准备,并不会直接解 Bootloader,稍后 HTC 会有一个网络工具 (Web tool)进行解锁。

要使用这个 Web tool,用家需要利用电邮向 HTC 注册一个帐户,并接受相关使用条款,解 Bootloader 可引致手机的保用条款部份或全部失效。

用家之后就可以将手机连接至已载有 Android SDK 的电脑,并提取手机的独有 Token。再在 Webtool 输入这个 Token,然后就会收到电邮内附一个独有的解锁码。最后就可以在手机输入这个解锁码,以解封 Bootloader。

The Web tool, which will launch this month, requires that you register an account with a valid e-mail address and accept legal disclaimers that unlocking may void all or parts of your warranty.

Then plug in your phone to a computer with the Android SDK loaded to retrieve a device identifier token, which you can then enter into the Web tool to receive a unique unlock key via e-mail.

Finally, apply the key to your device and unlocking will be initiated on your phone.

而新的手机还是会继续将 Bootloader 锁上,但同样可以透过 Web tool 解锁。

new devices will continue to ship locked but will support user-initiated unlocking using a new Web-based tool.


资料来源:HTC Facebook
