McAfee 提供五个贴士避免 恶意Apps

McAfee 智能手机保安贴士

知名的保安科技公司 McAfee 为智能手机用家提供了五个贴士,以避免恶意程式或其他手机风险。一齐看看这五个贴士!


For the moment, the amount of detected smartphone malware is relatively low compared to malware that targets desktop or laptop PCs; but being aware that it exists is the first step toward protecting yourself and your data.

清楚检视 Apps 和开发人员的资料,并查看他们的评分。较好的做法是只安装在 Market 上被广泛选用的 Apps 或由朋友所推介的 Apps。

Research apps and their publishers thoroughly and check the ratings – better to install apps that are broadly used in the market or are recommended by your circle of friends and colleagues

较理想的做法是,只会从知名的 Apps 市场如:Android Market 安装 Apps,避免从其他途径下载安装 Apps。

It is wise to purchase from a well-known reputable app store market, such as the Android Market. One way for Android users to avoid installation of non-market applications is to de-select the “Unknown sources” option in the Applications Settings menu on their device. If the option is not listed, it means your mobile service provider has already done this for the user.

当安装 App 时,检视程式所要求的权限是否恰当。若程式要求不合理的权限,就不要安装。

When you install an app, you’ll see a list of permissions for services that are granted access to the hardware and software components on your device, like contacts, camera and location. If something in the permissions screen doesn’t look right, don’t install that app! For example, a game or alarm clock app probably shouldn’t need to access your contacts or have the ability to transmit that data from your device.


Install antivirus software on your phone. It is a good idea to install an antivirus program when you get a new mobile device before you add any other apps.

资料来源:McAfee Blog
