Sony Ericsson 将会在 2012年中转用 Sony 名字

Sony Ericsson 2012年中转用 Sony 名字

自从 Sony 宣布收购 Sony Ericsson 内余下的另一半股权,Sony Ericsson 成为了 Sony 旗下的子公司,大家都在想 Sony 品牌的电话何时会推出?

Sony Ericsson 行政副总裁 Kristian Tear 向 India Times 表示,完成收购后 Sony Ericsson 品牌将会在 2012 年中由 Sony 品牌取代。

by mid next year, the Sony Ericsson brand will be phased out even as it looks to become a complete smartphone company. It would then sell its smartphones under the Sony brand.

由过往的合资公司转为 Sony 全资拥有公司,Sony 可以将手机业务和和 Sony 旗下的其他业务整合,如:相机,游戏等。而 Sony 的目标亦直指 Android 智能手机的第一位宝座!

Sony is the world’s biggest entertainment company. We were earlier a 50-50 JV, but now that we are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Corp. We expect to gain from its assets on the content , technology and brand side,

The target is to become the number one Android player in the smartphone segment

资料来源:India Times via Phandroid
