ClockworkMod Tether Alpha 不用 Root, 不会被网络商发现

有高手推出了一个 Tether App 不用 Root 机也可将手机的数据网络以 USB Tether 分享给电脑,而最重要是这个方法不会被电讯网络商侦测到!

Koushik Dutta 制作了这个 ClockworkMod Tether App 可以让 Mac, Windows, Linux 透过 USB 连线使用手机的数据网络上网。

无需Root机, 不需额外 Tether Plan
ClockworkMod Tether 无需 Root 机,手机上网 Plan 亦不需要额外的 Tether Plan。USB Tether 将数据网络分享给电脑时,不会被电讯网络商拦阻或侦测得到。但需要在电脑安装一个 Virtual Network Adapter 作配合。

ClockworkMod Tether does not require root on your phone and does not require a separate tethering plan. Tether should work with any carrier and phone, and is not blockable or detectable by carriers[1]. To get around the root requirement on your phone, Tether will need to install a virtual network adapter on your computer; so there is a PC side install.

[1] It functions as a proxy, and not as a NAT/masquerade solution that other tether solutions use. Though carriers can still check for http user agent string, but I have an idea to work around that. They typically check the TTL for desktop values. All usual carrier data charges and quotas will apply, but you will not need a separate tethering plan.

Alpha 测试阶段
留意这个 App 还是 ,在实际使用上可能会遇到问题。想试玩的可以在下面的连结下载


The above links should automatically install the Android portion, but if that does not work, here is the link to the Android APK:

Koushik Dutta 未有提供安装指引,因为他相信这个 App 是很容易安装的。我们在 Office 试装了,过程都十分简单。

在电脑安装完成会有提示需安装对应的 adb Driver,若之前已安装可不用理会。手机开启 Tether App 并接上 USB 线,电脑亦需启动 Tether 程式,再点按[Start]便可,无需任何设定。手机上画面就会显示上下载的数据流量。

ClockworkMod USB TetherClockworkMod USB Tether Computer

资料来源:+Koushik Dutta
