CyanogenMod 9 Music App 已经开放下载

由 Andrew Neal 开发的 CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) Music App 已经开放下载,若果你有 Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S 又或其他 Android 4.0 装置,可以下载试试!

cyanogenmod 9 music app CM9

这个 Music App 提供了主题设定功能,可以使用不同的 Theme 改动用户界面的式样,图像和背景。

The theme engine is thoroughly customizable, allowing designers to touch every UI element in the app. Every drawable (images, backgrounds, etc), all text views, and each seek bars can be themed using the theme engine. I’ve had a lot fun using it and I’m excited to see what everyone will bring to the table.


The Music app also comes with native Shake and Flip actions. Quickly play and pause your music by flipping your phone face down, then back up again. You can customize the Shake Action to control you music in more detail. Both of these actions run in the background and can be used no matter where you are in your phone.

下载位置 (连结内往下移会找到 Music App 和 Google Music Theme 下载连结)

这个 Music App 稍后亦会在 Android Market 推出,并会整合至 CyanogenMod 9 ROM 内。

