Sony 将会在四月中为旗下手机推出 Ice Cream Sandwich 升级,首批获升级的型号有:Xperia Arc S, Xperia Neo V 和 Xperia Ray
之前 Sony 亦曾介绍旗下手机升级 Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 的计划,当时亦指 Arc S, Neo V 和 Ray 会首先获得升级。而昨天 Sony 在官网 Product Blog 内清楚写明是四月中开始!
The first Xperia models to receive the upgrade will be Xperia arc S, Xperia neo V and Xperia ray. For these first models, the rollout will start mid-April and continue over 4-6 weeks.
随后就会轮到 Xperia Arc, Xperia Play, Xperia Neo, Xperia Mini, Xperia Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, Xperia Active 和 Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman 升级,开始时间会在五月尾或六月初。
Following on, Xperia arc, Xperia PLAY, Xperia neo, Xperia mini, Xperia mini pro, Xperia pro, Xperia active and Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman will receive their scoop starting from the end of May/early June.
不会有 OTA
今次升级只可透过 PC Companion 或 Bridge for Mac 进行,并不会透过 OTA 推送,用家亦不会接收到通知。
Therefore, we’ll only be making it available for download via PC Companion and Bridge for Mac (i.e. not over the air via 3G or WiFi), and you also won’t receive any update requests or notifications.
另外,Xperia S 将会在第二季的后半段时间升级至 Android 4.0。
Finally, with regards to our all new Sony Xperia S, which will be upgraded to Android 4.0 starting from the later part of the second quarter, we will get back with more detailed information on timing over the next weeks.
资料来源:Sony Mobile Blog