若果透过第三方 App 商店(如 Amazon 或 GetJar)下载安装 App,又或自行安装 APK 档案在手机内,这些 App 都可能会在 Google Play Store “已安装” 列表内列出。但这些 App 本身并不是透过 Google Play Store 安装,所以当在 Google Play Store 进行 App 更新或再作购买时,Google Play Store 就会表示错误,而不能进行。
Google Play Support Team 确认这个问题,并已经在 Google Play Store App v3.5 或以后的版本解决了。
Google Play Store 已可分辨出这些 “自行安装” Apps,它们不会再在 Google Play Store 的 “已安装” 列表内列出,亦不会再有更新通知。所以,若想透过 Google Play Store 再购买这些自行安装 Apps 亦不会有问题,购买亦可顺利完成。
We’ve recently rolled out some changes to the newest version of the Google Play Store app (version 3.5 and higher) that should fix the issue you reported. Once you’re running version 3.5 or higher of Google Play, you should be able to update apps if you were having trouble, or if your apps were incorrectly listed as “Purchased” on Google Play, this status should be cleared, allowing you to buy those apps.
笔者亦特别试在 GetJar 安装数个免费 App,跟着再开启 Google Play Store 查看,这些 “自行安装” App 都没有被列出,这个老问题终于得到解决了!