LG 明天 (1/5) 推云端媒体串流服务

LG Cloud

Google Drive 之后,又有一家大企业加入云端的战场。LG 将会在明天推出 LG Cloud 云端多媒体串流服务。

用家将内容上载至 LG Cloud,就可以在手机,电脑和智能电视间分享内容。

用户可以在手机,电脑,或电视安装 LG Cloud App。LG Cloud 就可将内容同步至云端,在其他装置观赏。

跟其他云端储存不同,LG Cloud 提供媒体串流服务。用家可透过串流播放影片,用家不用等待整套影片下载完成,亦不用担心格式问题。

Unlike other cloud services, there’s very little waiting or lag time since the content is streamed to the TV, PC or smartphone, not downloaded first.

The difference is in LG’s Real-time Streaming Transcoding technology. The conversion happens on the server in realtime, not on the device. There is no need to worry about installing codecs or converters, everything happens seamlessly and in the background with no involvement from the user. No other cloud service can make this same claim.

LG Cloud 会有免费和收费服务,至于免费空间多少和收费详情则按不同市场而定。

LG Cloud will be offered as both a free and paid service. Free storage space and pricing will differ market to market and will be announced separately as the service becomes available in that country.

明天 (1/5) 可以留意 LG 这个新的云端服务!

