Sony Mobile 跟多家手机外壳配件商合作

Sony Personalized Xperia Phone


Sony 一向着重产品设计,旗下手机无论是外形以至颜色亦较多元化。而 Sony Mobile 亦有一个新合作项目,就是跟10家手机配件商合作,提供更多样化的 Xperia 手机外壳给用家选择。Sony 更表示这些配件商,将会在 5月中公布创意型格的 Xperia 手机外壳配件。

一次过跟 10个商家合作,用家当然期待。即管看看,这几天这些配件商有什么新产品推出,无论如何,越多选择当然就越好呢!

We know that when you look to buy a new smartphone, the quality and choice of accessory on offer is important. So, we’re keen to ensure that our consumers get the very best selection of cases and shells for their favorite smartphone.

To make this happen we have created a new partnership program with case and accessory manufacturers. The market leading brands that have joined us so far are: CaseMate, AGF, Incipio, Krusell, Dicota, Copter, Muvit, Roxfit, Orbyx and Shinnorie.

资料来源:Sony Mobile Blog
