Samsung Galaxy S III 为保密, 制造三个 Prototype 防设计外泄

Samsung Galaxy S III

Samsung 在官方的 Samsung Tomorrow 贴文,讲述 Galaxy S III 在设计开发时的严谨保密过程。Sasmung 特意为 Galaxy S III 制作了三个设计不同的 Prototype 以免 GS3 的设计外泄。

所有参与的员工都要保密,不可向任何外人透露。就算有人拿着图片查问,只会答不知道并不作任何回应。所有 Prototype 都会以密盒封存,若将产品送出第三方作测试,亦会由 Samsung 专人运送,并作全程监控,以防泄漏。

设计作出调较和测试。但 Galaxy S III 有三个不同的产品设计,所以工程团队亦要将有关的工作重复做三篇,就像做三个不同的手机产品!

Generally, we manufacture the antenna based on the final design and request for authorization. However, for security reasons, we had to make the antenna over and over. We had to come up with a new antenna every time the new design came out. To be honest, it was quite tiring and frustrating

工程师都表示由于有多个 Prototypes,所以工作都较过往花时间。

There were many prototypes and yes,it takes more time and effort to make more working prototypes. It’s even more difficult when you’re sending those to different places for testing and yet at the same time hiding it from everyone.

不得不说这次保密功夫真是很厉害,现有的这个设计在发布之前,确实没有任何相片影像泄漏。之前曾经流出无数的 GS3 相片,会不会就是其中一款 Prototype 呢。

资料来源:Samsung Tomorrow
