AOKP 是 Andriod Custom ROM 的第二大户,当然也会有 Android 4.3 Custom ROM。不过郤等了很久,才在前两天正式放出 AOKP JB-MR2 (Android 4.3) Nightlies Build。
Been a while, huh? We’re sorry. We’ve been quietly doing the heavy lifting up front, and squishing bugs left and right to create some of the smoothest nightly builds you’ll ever flash! AOSP 4.3 based! Huzzah! About time!
过往 JB-MR1 支援的机种,大部份已有 JB-MR2 Nightlies。可以到 查看。另外 AOKP 亦新增支援 2013 Nexus 7 和 Oppo Find 5 两部装置。
资料来源:AOKP Blog