Hangouts for Android 更新, 可以看到朋友 online 状态

今日真系 Google 更新日,Hangouts for Android 亦有更新,新版本 Hangouts 可以看到谁人 Online。新版本会在未来数日分阶段推出,笔者今早已经收到更新。

在 Hangouts 画面内,绿色符号代表 Online 可以 Hangout,灰色就是 Away 的意思。另外,画面亦改动了排列,会分类为 “曾与您进行 Hangouts 的人”, “推荐人选” 和 “其他联络人”。

Hangouts Update

– You can see who’s reachable right now on Hangouts. Green icons mean they are, and gray icons mean they aren’t.

– It’s easier to browse your contacts when starting a new Hangout. From top to bottom you’ll now see ‘People you Hangout with’, ‘Suggested People’, and ‘Other Contacts’.

– Hangout invites are now located above your conversations so they’re easier to find.

– Aaaand… you can hide people from the New Hangout screen by pressing on their name for a few seconds and touching ‘Hide contact.’
