Google 新项目 Project Tango, 透过手机移动制作 3D 地图…

Google Project Tango

Google 今天透露了旗下 Advanced Technology and Projects group (ATAP) 一个新发展项目 Project Tango。

The goal of Project Tango is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion.

我们生活在一个 3D 世界,透过眼睛可观察周遭物件,判断位置距离。透过 Project Tango,手机也可以跟人一样理解判别空间。

好抽像?就是手机可以识别自己的3D移动,并透过手机特设的感应器对周边环境量度,每秒可作出 250K 量度,并可以实时更新手机自己的位置和方向,将这些数据资料整合就可以制作成 3D 地图影像模型。(最下亦有一段 Project Tango 影片介绍,内里也有一些展示)

These sensors allow the phone to make over a quarter million 3D measurements every second, updating its position and orientation in real-time, combining that data into a single 3D model of the space around you.

当一个 3D空间可以用数据表达就可以带来很多方便,最基本最直接功能就是室内地图导航,另外也可以用作量度室内空间用作装修买傢俬,协助视障人仕在不熟识的地方行走,甚至用作搜寻大型商店内货架物品摆放位置,甚至用作机器人操控。


Project Tango Prototype

Project Tango 已经生产了一批200套 5吋 Prototype 手机 Developer Kit 可以让有相关 Idea 的 Developer 使用。

Currently, we have 200 prototype dev kits. We have allocated some of these devices for projects in the areas of indoor navigation/mapping, single/multiplayer games that use physical space, and new algorithms for processing sensor data. We have also set aside units for applications we haven’t thought of yet. Tell us what you would build. Be creative. Be specific. Be bold.

有兴趣可以到 Project Tango 网页查看
