Sony Xperia Z2 防水示范

Sony Z2 IP55/58

Sony Xperia Z2 具有 IP55/58 防水级别,代表手机可承受低压水喷射,亦可以在 1.5m 深清水内浸泡达 30分钟。

(i) protected against low pressure jets of water from all practicable directions in compliance with IP55; and/or (ii) can be kept under 1.5 metres of fresh water for up to 30 minutes in compliance with IP58.

下面就是 Clove 做的 Z2 防水简单示范。手机播著影片再放进水瓶内,跟着拿出来可继续使用,当然这个小测试对于 IP55/58 防水级别的 Z2 来说完全没问题呢。
