Google+ 主管 Vic Gundotra 宣布离开 Google

Vic Gundotra Leaves Google

在 Google 任职八年的 Google+ 主管 Vic Gundotra 宣布离职,离开 Google,但就未有透露往后动向。

Today I’m announcing my departure from Google after almost 8 years.

And I’m overwhelmed when I think about the leadership of +Larry Page and what he empowered me to do while at Google. From starting Google I/O, to being responsible for all mobile applications, to creating Google+, none of this would have happened without Larry’s encouragement and support.

Vic Gundotra 在自己的 Google+ Page 公布这个消息,并感谢 Larry Page 带领。在八年时间,Vic Gundotra 负责 Google I/O 筹划,负责所有 Mobile Apps 开发,以至最后期建立 Google 的社交媒体网络 Google+。

至于继任人将会是 VP of Enginnering Dave Besbris,带领 Google+ 的开发。

Source: 1, 2
