Xperia Z2 机壳有缝隙, 还有过热问题

香港还未有 Xperia Z2 手机,而在新加坡 Xperia Z2 已经上市发售,不过就陆续有用家回报 Z2 手机有问题。香港迟上市,不知是好事定坏事呢。

Sony Xperia Z2

第一个问题是边框和机面之间有细小缝隙,主要集中在手机右上方的位置。网上不少人贴出相片展示缝隙问题,当中大部份都是白色的 Xperia Z2。

这条细小缝隙除了不好看外,另一个让人担心是防水问题。Xperia Z2 本身是有防水功能,这条细少缝隙会否影响手机的防水效能呢?

Sony Mobile Singapore 回应,指用家可将手机带到服务中心让职员作防水测试。

We are aware of some users’ concern on the waterproofing capability of the Xperia Z2 due to the presence of gap(s) and are currently looking into this issue. In the meantime, users who wish to [sic] may bring their Xperia Z2 to any service center to have our staff conduct a water resistant test.

拍摄 4K 影片会过热?
另外亦有一些人表示,当用手机拍摄 4K 影片时,手机会出现过热情况,有些时候更会导致相机 App 强制关闭。

Sony 回应表示拍摄4K影片对手机的 CPU, 电池等都有很高要求,建议用家使用高容量的 SD Card,并似量缩短 4K 影片拍摄时间。

We are aware of some users encountering issues when shooting 4K video for extended periods. Shooting movies in high quality 4K resolution can make significant demands on your phone’s processor and battery life, as well as phone memory. Therefore for the best experience, we recommend you install a high capacity SD card (Xperia Z2 can take a card up to 128GB) and shoot 4K video in short bursts of no longer than a few minutes at a time.

Source: Xperia Blog
